Accesorios Honda

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Looking for the right Honda accessories for your scooter or maxi scooter?

Driving a scooter or maxi scooter is ideal for avoiding traffic jams on the way to work. But it's not always that comfortable. If you own a Honda SH, a Honda X8R or a Honda Pantheon or PCX, we have some useful accessories for you.

Are you looking for the perfect Honda accessory for your scooter or maxi scooter?

By selecting the Honda brand, model and type of your scooter in the vehicle filter on our home page, you will find the windshield you need in no time. Windshields are available from various brands such as Fabbri, Malossi or Novascoot. A wide range of styles to suit all tastes. Find different heights or colors like a smoked or transparent windshield.

Are you looking for a Honda accessory to stay warm while driving?

If you don't have a leg cover yet, we recommend checking our website for it. For Honda scooters universal leg covers from major brands such as T.J. Marvin and Tucano Urbano. A leg cover is a practical item that keeps you warm even in cold or rainy weather. In addition, these leg covers are waterproof and most of them are equipped with a storage compartment. Many leg covers can also be used as a saddle cover.

Have you already thought of a Honda accessory to protect your scooter against theft?

We offer a wide choice of locks to protect your Honda scooter or maxi scooter from theft. Good protection of your scooter  is priority, so make sure to choose a good quality lock.